Security systems are designed to monitor and protect businesses. Security camera systems are designed around your business. Over the last decade, we have seen a drastic increase in self-installed security systems. The problem with most self-install security cameras has to deal with the type of security your business actually needs. Cameras positioned in the wrong areas could cause you to miss critical evidence if there is concern over theft. It is vital to take time to list your businesses specific needs before shopping around for a security solution, and then, call professionals!

Modern Security Solutions

Unlike old flashing light security cameras, modern solutions are designed to help businesses remain proactive, not reactive against theft, fire, and other concerns. A security system needs to have the correct elements to protect a business. Modern systems have computer-like functionality and can directly contact law enforcement if there is a security threat.

Our security solutions are designed to provide additional data for recording and storage. Wireless security camera systems make it easier for businesses to watch over their business day or night. However, the problem that can arise with wireless systems is true security. Recently, made headlines when there was a major hack of several security cameras.

Why Security Camera Hacks Occur

Many of the self-installation security cameras are not designed to include enhanced encryption features, making these systems easy for hackers to gain access. At Five 9’s Communication, we focus on utilizing the best security cameras and modern enhancements to make it easy for business owners to use, but also providing peace-of-mind knowing their security system is safe and secure.

Why You Need a Quality Security System

Security camera vigilance is vital to ensure you are using the right one for your business. The need for commercial security monitoring is essential in today’s fast-paced business world. Having a 24/7 commercial security monitoring system brings peace of mind to business owners. Contact our office to learn more about our security camera solutions, or to evaluate your existing security system.